Wednesday, February 22, 2012

If no growth of bacteria, the test is negative.

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is

common bacteria often found in the vagina, rectum

or bladder women. This is not

the same bacteria that cause inflammation of the throat. Infections

with GBS, usually not serious for women and

easily treated with antibiotics. But

, when a woman becomes pregnant, all changes of perspective.

There is no sure way to prevent GBS

bacteria passed to infants in

time of birth, and although it is very rare, and

despite treatment, some children continue to die

as a result of complications from infection GBS. The doctor would like to avoid this >>. << GBS usually does not cause infection

in pregnant women is a problem for the child. Read this brochure to learn about group B Streptococcus

infection (GBS). When GBS bacteria reach

female bladder, kidney and uterus, they can cause infection

. infections can cause inflammation and pain

. A woman can have the bacteria in your body

and did not know. If women have these bacteria

in her vagina and rectum without

any symptoms, it is said to have colonized (positive). It is estimated that 15 - 40% of all pregnant women >> << that GBS colonization. From 40 - 70%

colonized mothers pass the bacteria on their children

during the birth. Although most children

no effect on bacteria, very small number

(1 - 2%) of these children will go

on the development of infection GBS. Children who

GBS infection can be mild to severe problems

, which could affect their blood, brain, lungs and spinal cord

. No one method of screening (testing)

and treatment will prevent all deaths GBS child. Doctors believe that there are two arcs

acceptable options for selection (testing)

for GBS. Your doctor may choose regular culture

(test) all pregnant women under his care

between 35 and 37 weeks of pregnancy, and treatment

GBS colonized mothers

(positive) with antibiotics when work begins. Or the doctor may decide not to routinely test

every woman, and to treat only those mothers who

at risk of bacteria >> << for their children (Table 1) during childbirth. If cultures were not made during the woman >> << 35-th - 37 th week of pregnancy, or

, if test results are not at

childbirth, it is important that women

risk treated with antibiotics. In addition, especially if a woman has a history

bladder or kidney infection,

doctor may also check the urine for bacteria woman

If bacteria are detected in the urine

, but not found in the vagina or direct intestine, female

still considered colonized (positive) and

I still treated with antibiotics when

it goes to work. As this test done? This simple and painless test

done by inserting a special Q-Tip into the vagina woman

and rectum. Q-Tip

then placed in a special solution to make sure that bacteria >> << to grow. This is called doing culture. If bacteria grow

, the woman is said to be colonized (positive)

If there is no growth of bacteria, the test is negative. Future mothers who gave a positive result >> << for GBS bacteria are treated with antibiotics >> << when they go to work or if their strattera without prescritpion membranes rupture

(water breaks) early. If you have not tested >> << but is considered high risk

(Table 1) for the transmission of bacteria in the child >> << childbirth, she will also be assigned >> << antibiotics to kill bacteria >> << childbirth. Studies show that

it is not profitable given antibiotics during pregnancy >> << and more than 65% of bacteria

is time to re-grow before delivery begins

. Be sure to tell your doctor if

you think that was an allergic reaction to antibiotics

in the past. There are two types of GBS infections >> << that may occur in newborns. The most common type

called early onset disease. In this case,

, children almost always infected

during his travels through the birth canal, so that

bacteria in the vagina of his mother. Symptoms of early infection early show

before the child is seven days. Some children

show signs of infection as early as 6:00

after birth. Early disease can lead to

infection in the lungs of the child, the brain, spinal cord or

blood. This type of infection may GBS

be very serious and often difficult to newborn >> << beat. This infection, which

antibiotics in work aimed at prevention. The second type is called late-onset disease

. Their children do not show

signs of infection until they GBS

more than seven days. About half of these children were infected

during their birth. The other half of those infected after birth

, being in contact with GBS positive

mother or other person who carries

disease. Later stages of infection may also

cause serious problems for the newborn. >> << The most common problem is meningitis - an infection >> << membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord

. The risk of late stage disease >> << not reduced by treatment with antibiotics in

work, but also antibiotics for children >> << after his birth. Children with early onset disease >> << rather die than children >> << with late-onset disease. All infants observed

watch out for signs of infection, especially when >> << have been GBS positive at some point >> << her pregnancy, and whether it treated with antibiotics

, or not. While

true that the chances are small that the future >> << be treated with antibiotics during pregnancy >> << pass the bacteria on the child

it can happen. Children who show signs of infection

GBS after birth will also be considered

with antibiotics. If possible, a child specialist

(pediatrician), may be asked to help care for

child infection GBS. May 4, 2011.

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